Those Who Dig, Now Supercharged – Those Who Dig

October 29, 2014

| Those Who Dig

After almost 4 years of running from a budget shared host Those Who Dig finally bit the bullet and upgraded to a Virtual Private Host. Now we have more control over the nerd parts of the site (think caching engines and scalable memory.) What does this mean to you? Two things.

ONE: The site will work better. It will respond more quickly and save you precious seconds that you can spend listening or reading, and not waiting.

TWO: It should illustrate that we believe in Those Who Dig, and we are investing our own money into making it better.

Sound cool? If you want to give back you can do so by telling your friends about us, subscribing to the Those Who Dig YouTube channel, commenting on some articles. Hell, write an article and send it to us, maybe we’ll post it. We do this as a hobby and are excited to keep making it better.

As always, KEEP DIGGING.

P.S. For anyone that is interested we are switching over to Digital Ocean. We have an awesome referral link that will get you $10 bucks of hosting credit, and give us $25 bucks that we can use to offset the cost of our servers.  That would help us out a bunch, so if you’re looking for a host, consider it and tell your friends.

Dig NewsDigitaloceanNerd stuff