Wes Anderson is a Symmetrical Fellow – Those Who Dig

March 26, 2014

| Ivan

A friend of mine forwarded on a link to this video that delivers a solid right hook to the face of the image composition rule of thirds. In the wake of the newly released Grand Budapest Hotel I thought it would be fitting to share it with you on this delightful (Spring? Nope, it’s 19 degrees) Wednesday morning.

The music is by Alexandre Desplat and is entitled The New Lobby Boy.

On a film note I got the chance to see the Grand Budapest Hotel last night in Milwaukee’s Oriental Theater, which is a treat all on its own. I don’t claim to be a film critic (I probably have some film professors cringing at that sentence. Actually I bet none of them will ever read this) but I enjoyed it. Not my favorite Wes Anderson film, which is reserved for Moonrise Kingdom (I’ll take your insults in the comments section). I thought it was set up well, and I loved the ending. It just wasn’t as `fun` as Life Aquatic of Fantastic Mr. Fox (two of my other favorites.) The plot was good, but frankly I was hoping for a bit more mystery. Worth a watch for sure.

Anyway I digress, I hope you enjoyed the video.

FilmGrand Budapest HotelMoviesTheoryVideoWes Anderson